to drive ambitious business growth is the only business skills platform ENTIRELY devoted to business growth.

For the first time, with one solution, you can up-skill, engage and align every brain in every role in your company behind the delivery of your most ambitious growth objectives.

Whether you're priming new staff members to have a growth mindset, or developing your senior leadership team to 5x your business we have carefully curated the best-in-class subject-matter experts to create effective skills programmes for every growth situation.

Innovation 101 | for Everyone

Understand the importance of innovation across the whole business and the part that it plays

Innovation Leadership 101

For senior managers and leadership teams to understand the strategic importance of innovation and the

Planning Ambitious Growth

How to understand all of the available options for growth and confidently make a decision

De-Risking Fast & Cheap

Major business growth projects like new products, services, vertical markets, geographical markets, scalable business models

Meet Your Mentors

Jamie McCallum

Jamie McCallum

Growth Strategy, Innovation & Marketing

Evelyn Simpson

Evelyn Simpson

Equity Investment & Finance

Sarah Grey

Sarah Grey

Sales Skills, Sales Systems & Sales Management

Bill Davidson

Bill Davidson

Digital Customer Acquisition

Gordon Smith

Gordon Smith

Leadership Development


Learn to create strategies for ambitious growth. Evaluate your growth options and make effective decisions on which to pursue. Effectively communicate and align every employee in the company to contribute to the delivery of major growth objectives and help to solve the biggest commercial challenges of the day.


A range of skills courses to help management turn ambitious growth plans from the senior leadership team into a reality. Includes idea generation, managing innovation projects, fast/cheap derisking techniques for new products, services & markets, business modeling and more.


There’s no growth without customers and sales! Courses for every employee, at every level in every role – both revenue generating and operational – to understand how they can contribute to the generation and conversion of leads. Includes the development and communication of key marketing messages and the design, management, growth and effectiveness of the sales pipeline.


Focussed entirely on developing the  capability to reliably and repeatably deliver step-changes in revenue by creating and commercialising new products, services, markets and scalable business models. Generate massive numbers of new ideas, spot the winners and rapidly derisk and accelerate commercialisation.


The black art of growth financing and, in particular, raising equity investment can be a daunting task for even the most experienced business leaders. Learn what funding is most appropriate for your plans and how to go after it with the maximim chance of success.


"Non-Boardroom Brainpower" is your untapped growth machine!

What if you discovered a massive business growth resource that you already funded but never used?
Is solving your biggest business growth challenges reserved to the highest paid people in your company?

Imagine that every employee (not just those in the boardroom!) always knew exactly what major ambitions your business is trying to achieve.
Imagine they understood the unsolved challenges that your business faces in trying to achieve them.
Imagine that every employee (nomatter what their role) was empowered with skills to help solve those challenges and contribute to achieving those goals.
Imagine a future where operational staff actively spot and generate leads.
Imagine every single employee able to create on-the-table new growth/product ideas.
Imagine junior members of staff able to rapidly derisk and prove feasibility of new growth ideas before you've had to invest a single second or penny of resources.

Imagine every single brain in your entire organisation aligned in one direction towards your biggest growth ambitions!


Ambitious Growth Training for Literally Everyone! is an online training platform for every employee, whatever their role, focussed only on the skills they need to contribute towards delivering the company's most ambitious growth objectives.

These skills courses include methods to lead ambitious growth for senior managers, idea generation for new product development, lead generation techniques for NON sales-and-marketing roles, rapid derisking methods for executing ambitious growth plans, sales and marketing training, digital marketing approaches and much much more......


It's kinda like mixed martial arts for business growth!

As experienced business growth strategists for over two decades we've developed a tried-and-tested model to lead and deliver ambitious growth. We do this by leveraging the collective brain power at every level in the organisation. We've laid out the specific skills and techniques required at each and every level for an ambitious business to be able to achieve this and we've scoured the planet for the best, most proven, methods available for each of those skills. Finally we've distilled it all down into a common framework for the whole organisation to use cohesively.